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Beginner Marketing Concepts

You know you need marketing to grow your business, but dip even a toe into Google to find help and you'll easily be overwhelmed. What are the bare minimum concepts that you need to know, and how can you apply them to a sewing-specific audience?

Disclaimer: I don't have a marketing degree and none of this stuff comes naturally to me. My background is in writing, but I've spent a LOT of time learning as much as I can about marketing. I've worked with clients and I've seen successes and failures in many areas. Learn from me!

Marketing is a giant category, but when it comes to online sewing businesses I would break them into these high-level concepts:


Email Marketing

Social Media



You've probably already spent a huge amount of time designing a logo, colors, etc. and those things all matter. But when I mention branding, I'm referring to your core beliefs, your values, your brand stories, and how you speak to your customers.

Email Marketing

A strong email list and strategy will always be more important than social media (read that again). Email is the only method for reaching customers without the interference of an algorithm. Use it to your advantage!

Social Media

Particularly for sewing brands, it's difficult to exist without social media. Instagram, being a visual media, is where the sewing people (aka your potential customers) hang out. If you're not also hanging out there, how can they find you?

If your ideal customer is older than 45, they are likely active on Facebook as well. If they are younger than 30, you'll find them on TikTok. You do not need a presence on ALLTHEPLATFORMS. Choose one or two, learn them well, and forget the rest.


You probably have an online store front where you sell your products, but do you also have a blog there? Blogging establishes you as an authority in your field, provides an avenue for sharing tips, hacks, etc., and most importantly allows Google to find you and show you to strangers. If you do not consider yourself a writer, this is a perfect opportunity to try out AI services like ChatGPT, or better, to hire a human to write for you.

Each of these topics is its own blog post, so stay tuned for more information and tips!